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- Well its Saturday night and instead of going out and enjoying myself,
- Im forced to stay in, after receiving a threatening letter this morning
- from a crazed editor telling me to do an article on AMIGA ART,
- The rest is history......
- ----------------------------------------------
- If you have just upgraded from an A500 or A600 to the A1200 and enjoy
- creating pictures or Art in general, then you will probably have or
- want to get Deluxe Paint IV AGA. (Refered to as DP4AGA from now on)
- If you were lucky enough to purchase or receive as a gift the
- "Desktop Dynamite Pack" for Christmas then you will have already had a
- chance to mess around with the functions of DP4AGA.
- We all know that the AMIGA has exellent graphics capabilities, the A1200
- in particular, and DP4AGA is a very good package for the budding artist.
- I can only speak for myself, but when it comes to Art, my AMIGA is an
- extension of my imagination.
- If you have a quick look through the manual that comes with DP4AGA you
- will get a rough idea of how the basic tools work on the package.
- (The ones down the right hand side of the screen.)
- I was going to go into detail about how to use them but to be honest,
- the descriptions in the manuals are exellent anyway.
- Now obviously an artist is only as good as his tools, most of you are
- probably using a TV to view this text. Really though, to get the best
- use out of DP4AGA you need a monitor or like me a 14" SONY TV with Scart
- socket. These obviously give much better colour definition, and picture
- clarity but unless you are using High Resolution or above, a normal TV
- is fine.
- O.K you've got an idea in your head for a picture. Don't try and reproduce
- it on screen straight away, sketch it on paper first, see what it looks
- like. If using this process try and draw your picture on a piece of paper
- the same size as your TV or Monitor Screen (most of us use 14inch anyway).
- Right you've sketched your idea down on paper, don't go into to much
- detail as there is time for that later on the computer screen. Now take a
- clear piece of plastic (a record cover sleeve etc.) and place it on your
- design. Now using a BLACK narrow tipped marker, trace your image onto the
- plastic. It is best to tape down both your design and the plastic so they
- do not move.
- You are now nearly ready to transfer your image to the screen.
- You can use the same method if you see a picture or piece of Art in a book
- or poster and think it would look good on the computer screen, but
- obviously you would have to take more care and time, and if working from a
- book make sure you have a good supply of natural light.
- [ And permission from the Author of the book to reproduce his work. - ED ]
- Load up DP4AGA and select a suitable resolution (Obviously the higher the
- resolution the more detail that can be added.)
- Right, now either way we have an outlined image on a clear plastic sheet,
- now, place the plastic sheet on the screen and turn the TV on. All being
- well the static should stick the plastic to the screen, if it doesn't,
- don't worry, just attach it with four small pieces of sticky tape.
- (Make sure the plastic is flat against the screen.)
- Now select WHITE as the drawing colour and click on the FILL tool.
- Click anywhere on the black screen and the screen will turn white.
- (Really? Yes really!)
- Hey Presto, your image stands out like a sore thumb!
- Now you are ready to transfer your image to the screen. Select BLACK as
- your drawing colour, and select the STRAIGHT LINE drawing tool. Now
- very carefully trace around the outline of your image (I prefer to use
- the straight line tool as the free hand tool is not as acurate, unless
- you have a very steady hand.)
- This is a very time consuming process, try and get the lines to match as
- close to the original as possible, don't rush, take you time. When you
- have drawn a certain amount save the picture to disk, this, although
- time consuming if you working from floppies is a good habit to get into,
- as there is nothing worse than after spending ages on a picture, having
- it completely erased because you pushed the wrong key or the fuse went
- in your computers plug, [ or your computer dies after being Spiked by
- lightning, as happened to me! - ED ] don't laugh, it happens, its
- happened to me.
- When you have finished, just double check that you have traced ALL the
- lines to the screen.
- Remove the plastic from the screen, and all being well it should look
- something like you wanted it to. If you are working from a book etc,
- you can now start adding the colour and detail, always draw the part on
- the picture which has the MOST detail first, as this is usually what takes
- the most time. The picture I am just working on at the moment is of a small
- girl looking at her reflection in a pond, so I will attempt to draw her
- face first as this has the most detail. (I may have bitten off more than
- I can chew).
- Before I finish there are a couple of tools you may find useful.
- Magnify (Magnifying glass icon): By clicking on this you can zoom in on
- your picture, if you click on this icon with your right mouse button you
- can increase the size of the viewing square, and the left mouse button to
- decrease the size. This is really an essential tool for adding intricate
- detail.
- Changing the colour: If you find you cannot select a suitable colour
- (Even though you have 256 to choose from),click on a colour close to the
- one you want, then where it is displayed at the top of the palette click
- on it with the right mouse button, a requester menu will appear, and by
- moving the sliders, you can change the colour to the one you want, then
- just click on OK.
- I hope this article has been of use to you, it has been aimed at the
- beginner but I hope it will help others. I am no picasso, but there are
- alot of artists out there who don't even realise how talented they are,
- and I hope by using DP4AGA you will find out.
- Remeber when you are drawing, don't sit down in front of the screen for
- eight hours pondering on an effect you cannot achieve. Take a break,
- think about it, then come back later when you are fresh and have another
- go. Well ive gone on long enough, if you want to know a bit more about
- Deluxe Paint IV AGA (maybe some special functions, dithered fills etc),
- write to CHANNEL Z, and they will see what they can do.
- I hope to see some of your ART in future issues of CHANNEL Z.
- REMEBER, above all, enjoy yourself !
- Bye.
- by Paul Horton. (c) CHANNEL Z 1994
- [ ED's note ]
- If you want to see some of Pauls work, Just load the pictures called :
- NEARDARK and AMY from the main menu.